Friday, December 29, 2006

A day in the life of an Intel Officer


Stealth Cadet said...

What does a normal day look like for an intel officer?

What has been your worst day so far? And your best day?

What kinds of leadership opportunities are there in intel?

Tavaboy said...

There is no normal day! Typical first assignment as a Lt is with a squadron, so you'll learn all about your platform's mission. To support the mission you might do anything from current events briefings, threat system briefings, training, deploy, targeting, etc...

Worst day: Briefing intel during the Wing standup...Wing CC & all of the other base briefing sucked, and the Wing CC let me know it...

Best Day: Being part of mission planning for blowing up Afghanistan & Iraq...deploying in support. Very satisfying being part of a team doing these sorts of things...

Leadership opportunities: plenty! Intel is a big AFSC. Typical leadership opportunities start at the senior Capt level. Flight CC, Squadron CC, DO positions, even Intel Wing CC positions. Intel just gained a 3-star billet at the HQ AF level, so there will be more Gen Officer billets for Intel studs like us.